How to Slice a Watermelon in Just 1 Minute!

July 27, 2020 1 min read

How to Slice a Watermelon in Just 1 Minute!

Try this method from Delish to enjoy watermelon without the hassle of slicing all summer long!

  1. Cut off both ends: use a serrated knife and a cutting board to trim both ends.
  2. Slice watermelon in half: stand the watermelon up and cut down the middle.
  3. Turn halves into quarters: lay each half "flesh-side" down and cut in half.
  4. Cut into triangles: turn each quartered piece horizontal and cut 1" strips to create triangle slices.



Source: Gore, Makinze. “The 4 Commandments Of Cutting Watermelon.” Delish, Delish, 28 May 2020,

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