5 Tips For Adding Truffle Oil Like A Whiz Cook

September 02, 2021 1 min read

5 Tips For Adding Truffle Oil Like A Whiz Cook

Let's get 👩‍🍳 fancy with truffle oil!  Here are 5 simple ways you can add the "wow factor" to your everyday foods with truffle oil.

🌟Over Popcorn- Simply combine a bit of truffle oil with your melted butter and salt and pour the mixture over the popcorn. Yes, it is heaven in a bowl.

🌟Over Eggs- Drizzle a bit of truffle oil right before serving for a fancy breakfast.

🌟Over French Fries- Top your fries with some freshly grated Parmesan cheese, sea salt, and truffle oil. Oh yeah.

🌟Over Pizza- A bit of truffle oil can instantly upgrade your pie. Get drizzling.

🌟Over Pasta- A dash of truffle oil can elevate your pasta to that of a five-star Italian restaurant menu item.

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