How to take care of your olive oil-- the 3 most important tips to remember.

October 09, 2022 2 min read

How to take care of your olive oil-- the 3 most important tips to remember.

Olive oil is a staple in my kitchen. It's the base for my favorite salad dressing, it makes a great marinade for fish and veggies, and I use it generously when I'm sautéing vegetables or making soup. It's also one of the most expensive cooking oils out there – which means it needs to last as long as possible! So today we're going over how to take care of your olive oil so you can make sure you get the most out of every bottle.

Do you keep your olive oil in the pantry?

If you thought that your olive oil should be kept on the pantry shelf because it's in a bottle, your right! Olive oil is more delicate than most other oils and needs to be stored in a cool, dark place. It should not be exposed to heat or light as this will cause it to go rancid very quickly. Make sure you keep your olive oil in an area where there isn't much fluctuation in temperature, such as near the fridge or stove. Air will ruin your oil very quickly also so keep that cap on tight! 

Is your olive oil getting rancid?

No matter what kind of olive oil you use, it's important to know how to tell if it's rancid. Rancid oil can spoil the flavor of your food, and ruin any dish that uses it as an ingredient. Most people don't want their dinner guests to be able to smell the cooking oil before they even get served!

A good way to tell if your olive oil has gone bad is by smelling it. If you notice an unpleasant odor coming from your bottle, then this is a sure sign that there are chemicals in the oil which can no longer be used for consumption purposes.

Olive oil needs to be stored in a cool, dry, dark place and away from heat. Heat will cause olive oil to break down and become rancid; light exposure can do the same thing. If you have an olive oil that has been sitting on your countertop, it's time to store it properly. You can store your olive oil in the pantry or in a dark cupboard (the back corner of one works well).

A good rule of thumb: if something is not made with olives or is not labeled as "extra-virgin" then don't cook with it!


So, in conclusion, olive oil is one of the most valuable and versatile ingredients we have. It can be enjoyed raw or cooked with, and has many health benefits as well as being delicious. If you want to keep your olive oil fresh and tasty, it’s important to store it properly so that it doesn’t go rancid or spoil before its time.

Happy Eating! Sharon 

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