Top 5 Oil & Vinegar Combinations

Top 5 Oil & Vinegar Combinations

Walking into the store and looking at the different flavors of oils and vinegar on the wall can be both exciting and overwhelming. Finding your favorite can be a process of trial and error, but when you taste a combination that you like your food will never be the same!

People always ask what our favorite oil & vinegar is. Sometimes answers change if we get a new flavor into the store and become obsessed with it, but other combinations are timeless favorites!

Here are our top 5 favorite oil & vinegar combinations:

  1. Meyer Lemon Extra Virgin Olive Oil + Mango Pulp Vinegar- a sweet, citrusy flavor combination that's great for summer salads, chicken, fruit salads, and salsas.
  2. Tuscan Herb Extra Virgin Olive Oil + Balsamic Reduction- tastes like a classic Italian restaurant bread dip or vinaigrette. Best used with pasta dishes, caprese salads, roasted vegetables, bread dipping and green salads.
  3. Basil Extra Virgin Olive Oil + Peach Vinegar- adds a fruity flavor to your salads, poultry, and cocktails. Very popular in spring/summer!
  4. Rosemary Extra Virgin Olive Oil + Blackberry Vinegar- a thick, moderately sweet & herb flavor that is best used for pork loin, chicken, and salad dressing.
  5. Greek Seasoning Extra Virgin Olive Oil + Lemon Cucumber Vinegar- light & sweet with an after taste of black pepper. Delicious for a Greek salad, sauteed vegetables, and a chicken or fish marinade.

1 Response


September 07, 2020

Your #1 is one of my faves

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