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Golden Brie

Golden Brie

Your guests will never guess that this elegant appetizer is so simple to prepare.  We suggest our Ginger Peach Chutney, but any of our chutneys work equally as well.

  1. Melt the butter with olive oil in a heavy sauté pan.
  2. Prepare one bowl with beaten egg, in another add breadcrumbs.  
  3. Roll the brie in the egg, covering completely.
  4. Next, roll the coated brie in the bread crumbs ensuring all the sides are generously coated. 
  5. Heat butter/olive oil and transfer the brie to the sauté pan and lightly brown on one side over medium low heat.
  6. Transfer to  serving plate and top with Ginger Peach Chutney. Serve with warm baguette or your favorite crackers.
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